Wednesday, October 4 Event: Official Tournament Preparty Location: Union Seattle Need: We will be holding an early check-in for participants. In addition to getting the registration complete with the NGFFL, we'll be getting them set-up with their participant bag, All-Access wrist band, and gift from the Seahawks. We're going to need 2 or 3 people to help with this. Timeframe: ~7-10pm (1 shift) Thursday, October 5 Activity: Initial Field Set-up ("Fixed Items") Location: Magnuson Park Need: We're going to need a team to help us with the initial set-up of the "fixed items" - most of this will be delivered by our vendors, and we'll either work with them on the positioning and set-up or they'll deliver and we'll carry the items out and set up ourselves (easy stuff, like the 10x10 pop-up tents). Once the Beer Garden fencing goes up, we'll need to hang the signage we'll be putting up there). This will be physical, with walking, but it shouldn't be too arduous. TBH, I would expect a good bit of downtime. We're likely going to need 5 or more volunteers per shift. Timeframe: Starting at 9am till 3p or 4p at the latest; likely 2 shifts Activity: Welcome & Check-in Location: Crown Plaza - Downtown Need: This team will help get everyone through the final stages of the check-in process w/ the NGFFL, get their participant bag, bracelet, and gift from the Seahawks. Aside from occasional trips to get more hand-outs from storage, this should be primarily sitting. I think we're going to need 3-4 volunteers per shift. Timeframe: Starts at 10am and runs till 5p'ish; likely 2 shifts Activity: Hotel Merchandise Table Location: Crown Plaza - Downtown Need: This team will complete payment transactions for any merch or drink tickets that are sold during the Welcome/Kick-in activity. Will probably also help the NGFFL deliver any pre-paid merchandise. Will back-up the Welcome & Check-in if needed. Mostly sitting. Only 2 volunteers for each shift. Timeframe: Starts at 10am and runs till 5p'ish; likely 2 shifts Activity: Opening Event & Hall of Fame Recognition Location: Lumen Field Need: For the event, you'll help us set-up and get ready at Lumen. This will be adding in the GB23 / NGFFL bits that we'll be argument. We should need to do anything with the actual physical set-up - that should be handled by the Lumen staff. we're going to need people at the entry point to ensure that people have the Access Pass, or they are on our VIP list (we'll have that, their All Access wrist band, and a VIP wrist band ready to go for them), and will need people to help people find their way in the space. At the end, you'll help bring everything down and get it ready to go. This will be mostly standing, potential for some light physical activity. We think we're going to need 8 people. Timeframe: One shift starting at 5p and running till 10pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 6-8 Each of the game days is fairly similar, with the only differences being with the events each evening. Event: Field Set-up & Daily Operations Location: Magnuson Park Need: Set-up: we'll need to do the daily set-up of the fields - placing cones, pylons, and yard markers out (the fields will be stripped so no measuring!), either move the pop-up tents to the fields or set-up the pop-up tents for each field, set up the parking lot for restricted access, get the water stations prepped and ready, hang-up the daily signage we'll have, set-up the merchandise and start the set-up of the beer garden. Help manage the parking lots with the shuttle buses, food trucks, and staff/volunteers/participants who drive. Crowd control if needed. During the day: Ensure that everything is running well and help resolve any problems that come up (typically these will need to be elevated to a staff member). Replenish the water jugs at the water stations throughout the day. Move trash and recycling to the dumpsters once the bins are full. Crowd control if needed. Last shift: As fields turn down, pick up the cones, pylons, and yard markers, either move or bring down the field pop-up tents, bring down the daily signage for overnight storage, remove the parking lot restrictions and open it to the public, assist getting participants back onto the shuttle buses, help get prep the beer garden to close, and close-up and secure everything for the evening (in our lock-up or in the cargo truck). Crowd control if needed. Each of these will be physical, but shouldn't be overly strenuous (except for moving the water jugs once they are full back to the cart, and then from the cart to the water station). Looking at 15 volunteers minimum over 3 different shifts. Timeframe: 6.30am (games start at 8a!) till 6pm. Activity: Tournament Site Merchandise Table Location: Magnuson Park Need: This team will complete payment transactions for any merch or drink tickets that are sold during the Welcome/Kick-in activity. Will probably also help the NGFFL deliver any pre-paid merchandise. Mostly sitting or standing. Only 2 volunteers for each shift. Timeframe: Starts at 10am and runs till 6pm. Activity: Vizzy Vibe Garden (Beer Garden) Location: Magnuson Park Need: Help to set-up and run the beer garden / help break it down daily and return remaining product to cargo truck. 2 servers (ideally you have your MAST certification, but not required) - exchange the pre-purchased drink tickets for the product, make the limited Tito's mixes we'll offer (Cranberry, OJ, Lemonade, seltzer/tonic). At least 2 people managing the entry points - checking IDs and getting people with a wrist band (everyone will need a wrist band to enter - 21 and over and 18-21). At least 2 roamers - people who will walk the space to ensure that no one appears to be intoxicated, and if so, walk them out the space, if someone wearing an under 21 wrist band is drinking or holding product, they will also need to be walked out. All positions will be keeping a watch out for anyone appearing intoxicated or under 21. This could be standing and fairly stationary, or it could be more physical - getting product or ice from where it'll be stored and bringing it back to the serving areas. Minimum of 6 volunteers for each shift. Timeframe: Starts at 10am and runs till 6p; likely 2 shifts Activity: Friday & Saturday Parties Location: Neighbours (Open Divisions Friday), Rough and Tumble (Womens+ Divisions Saturday), and the Cuff (Open Division Saturday), Need: For each of the parties, we'll need a small crew to help set-up & take-down a few things at each venue (like the photo background banners), "guest services" for the participants (answering questions, being helpful, etc.). Help move / direct people as needed. This will be mostly standing with some light physical activity. Small crew of 3 people at each venue. Timeframe: One shift, 6-10pm *** We are not staffing the Womens+ Friday night at the OL Reign Match; we will need 1-2 people for the after party at Wild Rose, primarily to direct people when it's at capacity to Neighbors (if they would like). Activity: Sunday Night Closing Event Location: Showbox Sodo Need: Set-up and take down the Gay Bowl XXIII decorations, photo banners, etc. The venue will be doing the actual physical set-up for us. Check for people's wrist bands at the door or check them off the list (similar to the Opening Event at Lumen). Help direct people out to the food trucks and return into the venue. Answer questions, be helpful, and be friendly. Standing and movement, with possibly some light physical activity. Currently planning 5 volunteers. Timeframe: Starts at 5pm or 6pm and runs till 10pm'ish.