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VIzzy Vibe Garden Rules

  • You must be 21or older to enter the beer garden. 

  • IDs will be checked each time you enter the beer garden, and based on your age, you will receive 1 of 2 different colored wristbands that you must wear the entirety of the time you are in the beer garden area. ​​

  • Drink tickets must be purchased in advance; tickets will be used to exchange for drinks in the Vizzy Vibe Garden – alcohol and non-alcohol.  

    • Drink tickets will be available for purchase at Welcome/Check-in on Thursday, 10/5 or during the tournament at the Merch Tent. 

    • We will ask for your ID to validate your age when you purchase your drink tickets. 

    • We can accept credit card, Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, or cash.  More information about the purchase transaction will be available onsite. 

  • Drinks will be available at the serving areas on the west side of the Beer Garden only and will only exchange drinks for drink tickets that must be purchased in advance. 

    • Servers may request to see your ID again.

    • There is a limit to 2 alcohol beverages in any transaction. 

    • Our servers will not complete any transactions with alcohol beverages to anyone that appears to be intoxicated. 

    • Cash will not be accepted for drinks, but any cash tips are appreciated and will go towards our beneficiary fundraising. 

  • Drinks must remain in their original containers.

  • There will be no disorderly conduct at the event, the NGFFL’s Code of Conduct applies to all individuals within the Vizzy Vibe Garden, whether they have expressly signed agreement or not by their presence. 

    • All Beer Garden Volunteers (servers, entry/exit staff, “roamers”) have the authority to determine that if someone appears to be intoxicated, they will ask the individual to leave the Vizzy Vibe Garden immediately, and their wristband will be removed. They will not be allowed re-entry while they appear to be intoxicated. 

  • Individuals can bring food with them into the Vizzy Vibe Garden, but we ask that you dispose of your waste in the provided bins (compost, trash, or recycle). 

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